Monday 25 July 2011

Day 1- the counting begins!

Hi  folks

Thanks for those who have already sponsored us. We only sent out our first lot of emails last night - more to send out over the next few nights - so looking good!

Also someone has said about us doing a blog.  We had thought about it but the process of setting up the Just Giving sites challenged my IT skills - most of you know that I am rather limited in that area!  Anyway we are with friends today (David is working on their garden) and while David is outside I am inside and doing this.   

But it is now lunch time on day 1 and our steps are as follows: David 6,800 and I have only done 1,831!!!!  I need to do a bit more walking around

So either David and myself will update the Blog regularly (we will try for at least once a week - probably a monday) to let you know how it is going and what we are doing.  That's all for now - off for a walk around the block!!!!!

Speak again soon

Jean on behalf of us both