Tuesday 30 August 2011

Monday 29th August 2011

Well - a real red letter week this week.  First of all we have logged 3/4 million steps, so we are well on track.  But best for me is that on Tuesday I registered more steps than David!!!!! He had spent the morning doing paperwork then was in court in the afternoon (for those of you who don't know David has not broken the law - he is a magistrate).  I on the other hand went to an exercise class in the morning which made all the difference.  It felt SO good - I wonder how many more times this will happen before Christmas when we stop counting.
But onto the important figures- we have raised £630 for Water Aid and £715 for Marie Curie Cancer Care - in total £1,345 - we are so pleased.
People have been so good.  For example we have had some tee shirts personalised for our walk and the lady in the shop in Scarborough only charged us list price when she heard what we are doing as her father had had the wonderful care from Marie Curie nurses.  We have donated the difference to Marie Curie part of our fundraising.
More next week on our new walking challenge - the Rutland Round
Jean (and David)

Monday 22 August 2011

Monday 22nd august 2011

We have been counting our steps for nearly a month now and we are so pleased we are doing it!  Thanks to all our friends we have raised £520 for Water Aid and £715 for Marie Curie Cancer Care – how good is that!!!!!!!!!
The steps are still going well – we have now counted 707,137!  But as I said right at the beginning, we need to be ahead of the game while the weather is good and the days are long.  Any of you that know me, will appreciate that I don’t do wet and cold…… but I do stats.  I could tell you all sorts of things but for now to let you know that David is currently averaging 16,257steps / day and I am at 10,841/ day. 
David does far more steps even when we have walked the same route – he is like a sheep dog – always on the move and it shows!  And those days when I count only 5,000 or less are the days when I am working at my laptop and have to make a real effort to get up and move – just like today!. It is strange how disappointed I feel when we record our steps at night – I remember the old reports for school about my PE lessons ‘must try harder’
I did have a worry last week.  I went to buy some new walking trousers but when I got home my pedometer was not in my pocket (we both use Oregon Scientific Pedometers which you put in your pocket and they count even if they are upside down or back to front).   But it had been found and handed in by some honest customer.  This would normally have been a mild irritation but at the moment – catastrophe!
More next week
Jean (and David) Penny
PS I am still trying to work out how to attach pictures (must try harder!) – bless……

Monday 15 August 2011

15th August 2011

Well here I am blogging - I never thought there would be such a day having never followed a blog never mind writing one!  But a couple of people have suggested it and we thought it would be a better way to keep those of you that are interested up to date with how we are doing. We actually set this up last month but wanted to wait until we had something to report before we sent it out.
First of all, the important bit – the money raised.  So far we have raised £565 for Marie Curie Cancer Care and £355 for Water Aid – again thank you so much for everyone who has donated
 But it is now day 21 and the stats are as follows:
Steps counted = 597,425 Steps still to do = 1,402575
Steps counted by Jean 243,954 Steps counted by David 353,471
 Looks good doesn't it?   However this is due to us having been away to our flat in Scarborough and walking EVERYWHERE.  We completed the Cleveland Way and started the Tabular Hills Way as well as enjoying the lovely walks along the coastal paths.  On one day we did 64,556 steps between us and on another we did 54,456.  Compare that with our step count now we are back at home.  On Saturday we did just 13,555 steps (mainly around Tesco’s!) - quite a difference and I know my step count will be way down today as I sit at my laptop – so far today my pedometer reads just 271.  Let’s hope David is leaping around out there keeping our total up!.
That’s it for now but we will try to do an update each week. 
Jean (and David)