Monday 17 October 2011

Monday 17th October 2011 We've done it!

We've done it!  We have registered our 2 million steps
 We set ourselves the challenge of doing it by Christmas, 154 days from when we started.  But in just 84 days we have done it!!!!!  We were out walking the next section of the Rutland Round on Saturday, another glorious autumn day, and when we got back I put all the weeks steps onto the spread sheet and BINGO - just over 2 million.

A few stats (don't you just love spread sheets!): We have raised over £2,000 pounds (and this really is the important bit), I have clocked up just over 700,000 steps and David has done just a little under 1,300,000 steps, I have averaged 8,612 steps / day and David is at 15,543 steps / day.  On the graph I have put a line of our average daily steps David is the red dashed line and mine is the blue dashed line way below.
 So what now you might ask?  Well we are not stopping here.....  David now has set himself the challenge of reaching 2 million by Christmas by himself and I am aiming for 1 million by myself!  To tell you the truth we are enjoying it!  It is giving us the motivation to get up early on a Saturday and walk the Rutland Round (which we hope to finish by Christmas), seeing parts of Rutland and Yorkshire  that we have never seen before or just park the car and walk anywhere!  You can see on the graph the difference the weekends make - the peaks indicating the times when we have packed up the ruck sack with coffee and waterproofs and walked. 

But the important thing is the fund raising, so we will continue to 'shake the tin' until Christmas and try to raise even more money for Marie Curie Cancer Care and Water Aid

More next week
Jean (and David)

 PS Christmas is not so far away!  Have you seen all the tinsel and crackers already in the shops......

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