Sunday 25 September 2011

Sunday 25th September 2011

I have been thinking how this walking fund raising has certainly changed my habits of a lifetime.  Take this week, twice I have been on trains rides with connections.  Before, as I waited for the train I would have sat a read or had a coffee.  Now I pace up and down the platform and I made sure I get there in plenty of time and instead of a taxi I have walked.  All to register a few more steps!!!  But I wonder if it will last after Christmas????
The scores on the doors this week continue to please.  For Water Aid the total is £830 and for Marie Cure Cancer Care we have raised £895.  This makes £1,725 all together.  And steps - this week we have registered one and a half million - only 500,000 to get to our two million target!!!  We hope to get there by the end of October but we will continue to count our steps up to Christmas and perhaps set ourselves a new challenge - watch this space......
I have said before that David has an active day job.  This shows in his average of 15,503 steps / day since we started and I am trailing with 8,976 steps / day.  But at weekends I do try to bump up my total.  Yesterday we walked with my brother and a friend.  They are walking the Leicestershire round, a 100 mile walk around the county.  And as they were walking a leg that just happened to go right through our village we joined them.  We walked from our house, through Withcote past Launde Abbey to Belton in Rutland - 3 hours and 7 miles along lovely tracks and paths in early autumn.  A great way to spend a Saturday morning but can you explain why coffee always taste so  good when drunk from a flask outdoors?  And of course our walk just happened to end with a pub lunch......
A couple of pictures of our walk below
More next week
Jean (and David)
Coffee at Launde Abbey
The avenue of trees going towards Withcote

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