Monday 7 November 2011

Monday 7th November 2011

This is a bit of a 'no no' week in terms of steps.  What with work and lingering colds, we have not done any special walks to report on.  We did go to a 60s themed firework party on Saturday  - fancy dress (see photos), great food, wonderful fireworks and a lot of dubious but very enjoyable singing - with microphones!  All there were allocated a song to lead - our duet  of the House of the Rising Sun was memorable but for all the wrong reasons - the Animals have nothing to worry about!   

But I am afraid that all the singing with gusto caused me to lose my voice completely yesterday and for my cold to make a comeback with a vengeance.   So David went out by himself (without the wig!) for a walk around Rutland Water to add a few steps whist I had a duvet day instead.  It was very frustrating not to be able to make the most of the glorious sunshine.

However the steps are mounting up and the daily averages we each have to do in order to achieve our new targets (David 2 million and me 1 million) are coming down.   We are determined to make it and promise to try harder this week.  I will report more on the our steps and the money raised in my next blog.  But  pleased to say the money is still coming in - mostly by cash or cheque donations which I add to the off line donations of the Just Giving sites.

I must tell you of one friend who turned up the other week with a big heavy plastic bag containing lots of cash including bags of 1ps and 5ps as well as £1 coins.   He had gone around his house, looking in trouser pockets, down the back of the settee and emptying all the pots that held change.  He says he always does this to buy stamps for Christmas cards but this year he donated it all to us.  Thanks to him and as always thanks to all who have donated.

More next week

Jean (and David)

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